05 November, 2014

Christmas Craft!

Hey guys!

So today I did a little Christmas craft! 

Crafting is the way our blended family really bonds. 

So today, mom took out the craft stuff and her, K, Chey, and I all sat and crafted. (Crafts really aren't A's thing...) 

Here's a simple little step by step post for an adorable (and affordable) Christmas tree craft!

So first things first, I grabbed a piece of white construction paper. (Printer paper works too!)

Next, I grabbed a green and drew a little Christmas tree to cut out. 

After that, I found where I wanted it on the paper and applied glue. 

After gluing it down where I wanted it, I moved to the next step.

So I found some green streamer we had lying around and put it to use!

I cut off a really long piece of streamer (just to make sure I had enough!)

So I started messing around and made a little creative border!

Using the clear scotch tape I taped down some spots to make it stay.
Next, I took out a black Crayola marker and made a little design on the bottom. 

Now for the fun part! Next I took my handy dandy hot glue gun (you can use white school glue too but hot glue was my preference) and grabbed two google eyes!

Here's a little overview so far!

After letting the glue dry (just in case!), I took some cotton balls to add to the corners of my border! 

Using the white school glue I glued down those cotton balls! 
Since the little Christmas tree looked pretty quiet, I grabbed the black marker again and drew a big smile!

After the smile, I took a dark blue marker and added some little fun messages!

Aaand that's the finished look!

Hope you guys liked this little craft tutorial! There's more to come for this Christmas and thanksgiving season!!!! 

Keep smiling!



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