So a while back my Grampa got me an acoustic guitar for my birthday, and I was super excited. That day (or a few days later) one of my friends was over and when I was working on finishing up something on my computer in another room, he started tuning my guitar. While tuning he accidentally broke one of my strings, and so since then I had a broken string (I had gotten a new set of strings but me being space out me totally cut them all to the wrong lengths and they were unusable). Probably about a month ago my mom ordered me a set of strings off of Wish (it's an online shopping app that has really cool stuff pretty cheap, although it takes a long time to ship) and they came in a week or two ago. So the other day I rode up to my dad's and grabbed my cutter pliers to cut the strings with and when I got home I put the new strings on. I'm super happy that I got them and put the new set on my guitar. Anyways this was just sort of a little story because I was really happy about it, if you'd like a tutorial post on how I change out my strings (without a string winder, peg pullers, or any actual guitar tools) then go ahead and leave a comment asking for one. Thanks for reading, love y'all stay amazing, stay you, and I will see you next week!!
(PS if you didn't know, I have a new video up on my YouTube too! Go check it out, and if you came from my YouTube leave me a comment telling me, I'm curious who will.)
Have a lovely day
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